Friday, May 4, 2007

President of ETS becomes Roman Catholic

Perhaps it's just an internet rumor, but allegedly the President of the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) has become a Roman Catholic. If this is true, I'll say this: Good for him. I agree with Michael Barber (who was quoted by Chris Tilling as well, on his post about it) when he said:

"His example is clearly one of courage , intellectual integrity, and spiritual sincerity."

Indeed, I know personally how hard it can be to even venture into having ideas about changing denominations and the negative reactions that can come from that. I can only imgaine the mental and spiritual durress that such a decision has caused Dr. Beckwith. My prayers are with him and his family as they continue their walk with the Lord.

For various reactions around the blogosphere:
James White's Post: Head Of Evangelical Theological Society Swims the Tiber
Jimmy Akin's Post: Dr. Francis Beckwith returns to Full Communion with the Church
Michael Barber's Post: ETS President Becomes Catholic
Chris Tilling's Post: Rumours


Unknown said...

Hello! Found your blog through a google search about Dr. Beckwith's recent move...

I just want to point you to another blog source, another recent convert that goes to Dr. Beckwith's parish...

And I look forward to reading more on your blog! Pax Christi.

Josh McManaway said...


Hey, thanks for stopping by and welcome!

Russ Rentler, M.D. said...

The rumors are true. Thanks for your kind posting about Dr. Beckwith. These are his words found on a com box last night over at reformedcatholicism.


Thank you for your wonderfully gracious comments. I am still me, as committed as ever to presenting the Christian faith in a winsome and intelligent manner.

And yes, the rumor is true.

More later.

Warm regards,