Sunday, April 20, 2008

If you could design your own graduate degree...

...what classes would you include and what books would you use for those courses? I'm thinking specifically along the lines of an MA in New Testament, or Christian Origins, or Patristics.


Tim Ricchuiti said...

I go into a little more depth here, but basically, I'd love to see a program that teaches the languages, exegesis, and theology by going through the biblical text. I've found personally, at least, that that's been by far the best way to get Greek and Hebrew down (to the extent that I have them "down").

Josh McManaway said...

This was really just a way to get book recommendations, but nobody commented...c'est la vie.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for just getting around to this...I was thinking of a 'great books' kind of scheme. Make 75% of what we read primary texts. So instead of all the secondary stuff that gets assigned just read the Pseudipigrapha, the Apocrypha, the Apostolic Fathers, etc. Then the secondary bibliographies could be used to write the papers, b/c you can't ignore them. I suppose that's the beef I've got with most programs.