I'm on Easter Break all this week and I had planned on getting some real work done, however my friend Mike ruined my plans when he gave me a gift today. I received my very own copy of The Bible and Flying Saucers: An Inquiry Into Some Possibilities by Barry Downing.

The TOC is as follows:
I. Space and the Bible
II. What is the probability that flying saucers exist?
III. The Old Testament and Flying Saucers
IV. The New Testament and Flying Saucers
V. Where is Heaven?
VI. Flying Saucers and the Future
A passage I read today on the Baptism of Jesus:
After Jesus was baptized, some sort of UFO apparently entered the situation for some reason (ed. note: Downing is here talking about the Holy Spirit descending like a "dove"). What did the UFO look like, and what was its mission? The question as to the physical shape of the UFO has been the cause of controversy in the field of Biblical scholarship.
The controversy isn't over whether a UFO actually showed up, but rather the shape of the UFO.
How am I supposed to study Greek participles when this is in my possession?!?!
I gotta get my hands on that!
It's life-changing. I'm only a chapter deep and I'm converted.
I think I have reason to be worried by you two.
I see nothing in the Bible that should prevent us from supporting the theory that there was, in fact, a UFO present at the sacred baptism.
You've got to post more on this book when you're doen, I'm intriqued!
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